Side Eye teamed up with White Moose Cafe and O’Donnell’s to launch their brand new crisp range, ‘Furrow’s’.
We took over White Moose Cafe to launch Ireland’s biggest crisp brands new range ‘Furrows’ to the market and bring brand awareness to O’Donnell’s ultimate crisp. We set out to achieve by 4 weeks in order to create a unique campaign that let Ireland know that this was a crisp range that they had to try. We created content for both the White Moose and O’Donnell’s Crisps in order to create the right messaging and optimize reach and impact through every platform.
We created a meal deal exclusive to the White Moose sub brand ‘Moose on The Loose’ where customers could try a limited sandwich created by Paul Stenson, the ‘Durt Burd’ and a packet of Furrow’s.
Marketing Strategies:
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We have dealt with a wide range of businesses and have successfully helped tackle their problems.
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We are a full service Digital Marketing, Performance & Design Agency.